The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133250   Message #3021450
Posted By: John MacKenzie
02-Nov-10 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Glasgow: doing fine compared with Malawi
Subject: RE: BS: Glasgow: doing fine compared with Malawi
I was born in Glasgow, and in a way, it would appear from that article, that nothing much has changed in the intervening 67 years!
It's depressing, and the most depressing part is that the man in the last section is still blaming Margaret Thatcher. FFS, Stewart & Lloyds moved with a large chunk of their workforce, to Corby, in about 1938. Why doesn't he blame them for starting the decline?
No, it's the same lame cry, as they sit in their ghettoes, BLAME MAGGIE.
If you're not intelligent enough to put the blame where it belongs, then maybe you deserve your lot.
Blame the EEC, blame their Iron and Steel policies, their anti pollution legislation, that along with cheap coal imports, ruined the coal industry. Or would they rather have the mines back, along with the smog and the silicosis?
Glasgow is a conundrum, it contains some of the nicest and kindest people on this earth, yet it is home to a sort of third world mentality of hopelessness, and poverty.
There may even be some people who still keep their coal in the bath!