The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133254   Message #3021520
Posted By: Becca72
02-Nov-10 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
You have no IDEA how much 'Jaws' changed my life!
I saw it with my father when it was re-released in approximately 1980 (I was 3 or 4 when it originally appeared in theaters). That night I was sent to bed up the dark creepy stairs, past the dark creepy (haunted) bedroom of my sister, and into the bathroom where I stayed for about 2 hours in terror that the shark was waiting for me in the hall (Again, I was 8). My father came up to use the bathroom at some point and realized I was still in there. We had a nice long talk about how Great Whites can't live in shag carpeting and then he walked me to my room.
I also thought the shark was waiting for me in the deep end of the pool during swimming lessons.
Then again, I was afraid of a LOT as a child...