The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133254   Message #3022241
Posted By: catspaw49
03-Nov-10 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
Actually Joe, I was a big fan myself, mainly because Annette would show up sooner or later and make the whole damn thing worthwhile.


Geeziz.....Ya' know, I'm willing to bet that every prepubescent male in the 50's and early 60's got his first nut jacking off to Annette Funicello. Well, except maybe a few of us who saved ourselves for Hayley Mills. I doubt that old Walt even thought about that or it was ever his intention................hmmmm..................Then again, maybe it telling what that old closet Nazi was thinking.................................

Anyway, Hayley went on to do a few nude scenes in her 20's but Annette through all those early years maintained that same character which was the real person, not the actor. As we all grew up we watched Annette grow up too and as she fed her kids peanut butter we still marveled at her beauty, at those doe eyes, and at that perfect complexion....................

But as the years have passed and disease and time took their toll, Annette Funicello showed us that her real beauty went far beyond skin deep and made it easy for us to fall in love with her all over again for entirely different reasons, better reasons...........
