The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133281   Message #3022302
Posted By: Arthur_itus
03-Nov-10 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Student Fees UK
Subject: BS: Student Fees UK
How do people see the situation now.

The Libdems have sold their soles and secumbed to increasing fees at University. I am sure that will come back and bite them in the bum.

However, the reality is that we are now encouraging our children to go hoeplessly into debt.

If you take the latest fee suggestions + interest, a student could have a debt of over £30000 for fees and if they take a loan for their accomodation, then that will incur another £9000.

Is that truly what we want for our kids to grow up on.

Blimey that loan would get them a house. How will it affect them when they try to get a mortgage? Is the student loan taken into account? If so, they have no chance of buying their own house.
