The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133239   Message #3022415
Posted By: GUEST,Kit Griffiths
03-Nov-10 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Recent love poems anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Recent love poems anyone?
One I wrote for my wife:

If I should come to you in strange, byzantine dreams,
And we both fair and fey, as once we used to be,
Why, we are so, and all is surely as it seems:
The weight of years has dropped away from you and me.

And in a timeless past we'll spend a little while
Untouched by age or pain, and sound in wind and limb
- As lovers always are - and we will sadly smile
To see the old with creaking bones, and eyes that dim.

But when you wake, and time resumes its sullen crawl,
Be not afraid or sad to put the dream away:
Love puts down roots while passion's blossoms fade and fall,
- And roots grow deeper year by year, and day by day,

So that a look, a smile, or just a passing touch
Can quietly come to say "I love you very much."