The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133254   Message #3022512
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Nov-10 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
"I'm willing to bet that every prepubescent male in the 50's and early 60's got his first nut jacking off to Annette Funicello."

I didn't, Spaw. ;-) I was barely even aware of Annette Funicello. I was also barely aware of Hayley Mills.

You know why? We didn't have a television in the house until I was 18, so I read books. Hundreds of books. My early prepubescent fantasies and later nocturnal activities therefore revolved around much more interesting females of literature such as Karamanei (the heroine in the Fu Manchu stories), Dejah Thoris (from the John Carter of Mars stories), and, of course, great musical heroines of the day like the young Joan Baez and Buffy Sainte-Marie. Oh, and then there was my 6th grade art teacher, Miss Delavan. ZOWIE!!!

REAL women, Spaw, not silly teeny idols from dumbass TV shows. ;-) Who needs Annette Funicello when you've got exotic grown-up gals from Mars, China, and the stage at Newport?