The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133281   Message #3022744
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Nov-10 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Student Fees UK
Subject: RE: BS: Student Fees UK
Guys, I've been trying to tell you for years now that everyone's been sold a dream.

Education is an INDUSTRY, from which there are many people making loadsa money.

Also, if you want a population to be easy to control what do you do?
Well, you make them so snowed under with debt, worries, depression, stress, examinations, constant studying and loss of hope that they literally have no emotions left, no interest in taking to the streets, because they feel their lives have been buggered up already and there's no way out.

For years there have NOT been any jobs for all these Uni, of course, they've lowered and lowered the pass rates, to ensure that the vast majority of folks will want to go to Uni in the first place, to gain useless degrees that mean fuck all 'out there' in Reality Land, where Dime-a-Dozen-Degrees now carry little respect from employers...

Yes, they *demand* that you're Uni Educated, but that doesn't help you get a job!

It's all part of the bigger plan..and folks need to take a step back and realise what a total dream of utter crap they've been sold...then get mind-blowingly angry and take to the streets about it all.

I mean, come ON, think about this logically....IF *everyone* has a degree, what's the point of them????

And most jobs want you to have other exams anyway, like NVQs, and of course, you can't have last year's one, but need to have THIS year's one..because it's all been updated and so you couldn't possibly understand your job without one...

It's an INDUSTRY!   

GCSEs, A Levels, in different parts these days, Degrees, Higher Degrees, Lower Degrees, Three Degrees (they were good gals!) ;0)

Tell you what...get your kids to take an Open University Degree. If you're on a low income and they are too, then they'll get a grant (at the moment, anyway)...if not, well, they can work whilst they're studying and 'pay as they go', choosing the time they take to gain the degree they really want...

TELL your children it's all shite, and NOT the way forward...Get them to get a SKILL rather than a degree. A SKILL that they can take to any country in the world, one that's not going to go belly-up with everything else...a skill that people will always need...

But studying Ancient Icelandic, Media Studies, Football or Dance ain't going to get you a job, just a huge hole in your pocket...

Of course, it's all very clever, because The Corporate Education Bastards have made it very difficult to find ANY job without the 'proper' examination pass..but you have to rise above all that, sell yourself, be different, bring out the entrepeneur in your children...

Then of course, you hit the Brick Wall of 'applying for a job online' where you have to pass STOOPID psychological tests, giving them the answers they're looking for, so they think you're the right kind of robot to work for them..Don't tell them their jobs are shite, and their ethics and morals are FAR worse, 'cos that doesn't go down very well...

I've already told M&S this, and Waitrose, and Sainsburys, and....Hell, it made me feel better!! LOL    I also got them scurrying round to explain to me why they penalise folks who either aren't computer literate, or who have dyslexia...That put the legal shit up them, I can tell ye! ;0) Now, they'll deal with you on the phone and help you fill their forms in...not that that helps, still have to pretend that you're a cloned prole with no mind of your own, just there to do as you're told...

My friend's son, who has a Masters Degree earns less than my daughter, who's still studying for her Open Uni degree, whilst working her socks off in a full time job that she loves. She bought her own car for £600, pays for it herself and is damned proud that she's done it all on her own...because it means so much to her...

Other friends have just taken out a loan to buy their daughter a car..??? Why??? You work, you save up, you buy your own car...or at least, that's what folks used to do. My daughter worked out that it would take her 3 years to afford such a car..and she told her pal that, who'd never even given it a thought...because Mum and Dad just paid up and provided as ever...

Do NOT let The Corporate Bastards make you feel guilty about not caring for your children...It's all madness..but it's been very cleverly done.

You wanna help your kids? Then teach them to be Independant and Individual...and they'll get along just fine in the end..