The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133281   Message #3022784
Posted By: MikeL2
03-Nov-10 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Student Fees UK
Subject: RE: BS: Student Fees UK

Much to think about on this thread.

But I happen to agree with SW about the way in which far more students attend universities than are needed.

Successive governments - not just Labour - have wanted more school leavers to go to university. Originally this was to massage the jobless figures, now it's more to keep up with the Jones's than anything else.

My parents were too poor to be able to afford for me to go to university. At that time nobody in our situation went so there was no disappointment or jealousy.

I went into the RAF and was taught a trade - electronics and communications. They paid for me to go to University to study my case Russian. This has stood me in good stead and I know that I have done much better than many of my peers at school whose parents could pay for them to go to university.

I have two boys neither of who wanted to go to university and took engineering apprenticeships with large engineering companies who paid them and paid for the necessary college attendances etc etc.

They have both done well and have started their own small businesses that are doing fine despite the gloomy financial situation.

My eldest grandson ( the only one of working age at the moment) was lucky to be able to secure an apprenticeship with Eon and was chosen from a shortlist of five from 700 applicants. Such apprenticeships are scarce !!!

He has just this year come out of his time and now commands a well-paid job with excellent prospects for the future. Most of his school friends have been ( or are still at ) university. Several of them with almost useless degrees and jobs with no prospects and paltry salaries.

The problem for todays school leavers is as Lizzie says. They are part of a plan to drive them all to university like flocks of sheep, with the direction of a sheepdog.

University today is seen as a life experience rather than an education for most of the attendees.

Me.......I went to the University of Life...and so did my kids.

