The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80912   Message #3022792
Posted By: Don Firth
03-Nov-10 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Wandering (Early and Late)
Subject: RE: Origins: Wandering (Early and Late)
Walt Robertson (Folkways album cover).

Walt a few years later.

CLICKY and scroll down. Several song sung by Walt, including his particular version of "Wanderin,'" which he used as the theme song of his 1952-53 television program over KING-TV in Seattle.

I believe he got the words from Sandburg's "American Songbag" and I'm not absolutely sure, but I think he learned the tune he used from someone he met when he was going to college in Pennsylvania. He attended several folk festivals at Swarthmore College in the late 1940s.

Don Firth