The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133281   Message #3023199
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
04-Nov-10 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Student Fees UK
Subject: RE: BS: Student Fees UK
Me? I take sweets off children, kick old ladies' sticks from under them, swindle pensioners by asking them to put the kettle on whilst checking under their mattress, evict tenants if I reckon I can get more money from a different tenant, flick dogs' balls with rubber bands, choke up the planet towing an old caravan with a decrepit Volvo, waste university resource by being paid to talk bollocks, sing off key...

Oh, hang on. Starting to drift into other peoples' nightmares again.

Sorry about that.

Ok, Richard III, howsabout this? if were religious, I could feel smug enough about the fluffy cloud awaiting me as a thanks for my altruism.

Just to answer your question respectfully, (not that it matters as you have a preconceived idea of me that happens to differ from the opinion you have of the real me,) I spend most of my retirement time "interfering with health and social care." For that, I get my out of pocket expenses. Takes up about 3 days per week. I call it putting something back.

To everybody else, sorry about this, I know it seems to be derailing the thread but Richard III split the thread by questioning the merit of some qualifications versus others. To bring that around to this debate, perhaps coherent versus general education is something to be debated some time, especially as with the tuition fees, students and employers will need to be a bit sharper.