The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133314   Message #3024494
Posted By: Crowhugger
05-Nov-10 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: Upright (bass)--yike!
Subject: RE: Upright (bass)--yike!
Here in cello land, the unplayed instrument is quite safe lying on its side, bow on top. A stand is nice too but rather than have one more thing to carry to 'n' fro' (bad back, y'see) I have a scrap piece of velvet or terrycloth in the case to prevent dings in the finish if I have to lay it on a hard floor.

Don't hesitate to try out the bow Melissa, especially if one comes with the bass. Most any violin shop has an employee who is qualified to show you how to hold it. When I play cello with folk music, which means I'm effectively playing bass (but it's an octave higher than you will be, whence the name double [the] bass), I sometimes use a short, slightly-bouncy bow stroke that gives a bit more oomph and duration than a basic pizz, a nice option if used with discretion. Called spiccato IIRC.