The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133336   Message #3024617
Posted By: Bill D
05-Nov-10 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended

"Sean Hannity, a conservative radio talk show host with a popular hour on Fox News Channel each weeknight, donated $2,400 to the congressional campaign of New York Republican John Gomez in May. In August, he donated $5,000 to Michelepac, or Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere, according to the Federal Election Commission. The PAC is associated with Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Fox's Bill Shine, senior vice president of programming, told the Twin Cities Pioneer Press after the Bachmann donation that "it's always good to remember that he's not a journalist; he's a conservative TV host. If he wants to donate to a candidate, he certainly can."

*wry smile*...I guess it depends on who you work for...Keith should have thought it out, but all he 'violated' was MSNBC's own rules which try to maintain certain reasonable guidelines. They suspended David Schuster a couple of years ago for insensitive remarks...

Fox seems to delight in having their commentators not bother to even pretend...