The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132957   Message #3024747
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-Nov-10 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: We've Lost the Republic (Lessig)
Subject: RE: BS: We've Lost the Republic (Lessig)
THANK YOU!!...I hope it saves me some typing. I hope Bobert sees it!
I was even scolded on here about being a 'broken record' because I've been insisting that 'corruption', and people behind the scenes, bribing either or both parties....and the Rap of the politicians was just bullshit, to allow them a seat at the feeding trough!!!!..and its BOTH PARTIES!, if I bitch about some of the ones in now, or the way 'health care' was passed to stuff the pockets of the medical special interests...I'm not being a right wing Nazi!!!!!! When I refer back to the Constitution, I'm not being a Tea party radical.

Jeez...thanks for the link, Stilly. I'll remind you of it, next time you jump my shit!...(wink)