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Thread #132957   Message #3024797
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Nov-10 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: We've Lost the Republic (Lessig)
Subject: RE: BS: We've Lost the Republic (Lessig)
Fine. So change the Constitution. There are provisions in place for doing that. Hold a new constitutional convention!

Another thing to consider is this: No society should necessarily tie itself to ANY documents written a very long time ago and expect those documents to suffice for present conditions.

That's what religious fundamentalists do in regards to documents like the Bible and the Q'ran. That leads to difficulties and injustices, doesn't it?

So does a fundamentalis political adherence to a document written in the 1770s when you try to apply it now to a society in the 1900s or the 2000s. Things have changed radically in 200+ years.

What really needs to be done is to repeatedly hold a Constitutional Covention and change and renew the Constitution probably every 20 or 30 years to update it regularly as society changes...and this was recommended by Thomas Jefferson! And I quote from Gore Vidal's essay: Time For a People's Convention

"Thomas Jefferson wanted to hold a constitutional convention at least once a generation, because, as he said, "you cannot expect a man to wear a boy's jacket". As it turned out, the jacket has been so re-shaped over the past two centuries that it is now a straitjacket for the people at large and satisfying to no one except those who gain election...and profits...from a most peculiar institution."

The Constitution of the United States has long become archaic. It is worded in a fashion which is now being used to betray the original spirit that it was written in. It is, in any case, largely ingnored by people, except when they focus on some small bit of it to back some specific argument they have in mind. (Just as people do with the Bible! They read it selectively to suit their momentary argument and they disregard the rest.) It must be modernized and changed or it can no longer serve the purposes for which it was intended. Its architects did not envision the kind of technological society we have today, and the Constitution they created, though very progressive for its time, is not adequate to deal with the modern world of mass communications, multi-national corporations, and large-scale urbanization of the land.