The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133336   Message #3024846
Posted By: Bobert
05-Nov-10 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
Well, yeah, there is, Bill...

That's why almost all of the Congressfolk who have been caught in a motel doin' stuff that the preacherman said not to do are Repubs...

Ya' see, we have one set of rules fir Repubs and quite another for Dems... Vitters is still out there having a ball (pun intended) yet let a Dem sneeze and it's all over rightie blogs and FOX???

And as fir yer point about MSNBC telling the truth??? Yeah, they do and I have heard both Keith and Rachael come back and correct themselves over even minor misinformation... That is what "being educated" looks like...

(Oh, how elitist, Boberdz!!!)

Yeah, that's the problem here... No matter how it pisses off the righties here we progressives have bothered to learn economics, geography, history, poli-sci, etc. and so we'd rather have folks runnin' the show that know about that stuff, too... I mean, if that is elitist then count me in...

I know that all you righties here, including the ClintonDem GfinS, would burn up yer computer trying to find the best doctor in the country if you got cancer but when it comes to runnin' the government you don't really give a flyin' fig who the heck does it or waht they really understand about the real world in which we live???

Beam me up, Scotty... The dumb ain't never been prouder of it...
