The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133299   Message #3025870
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Nov-10 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Calling GfS......
Subject: RE: BS: Calling GfS......
I think your absolutely right in what you say. Yes, when a higher spiritual consciousness is brought into music then the songs or musical pieces are raised to a whole new level, becuase it isn't the isolated ego-mind that's speaking anymore, it's the soul that's speaking, and the soul is far greater than the mind. Ultimately one can tap into the universal Spirit of Life itself, and become as a scribe or a conduit. If that occurs, then both the lyrics and the music become transformed in subtle ways, and a lot of people will feel it and get it at some level, although they may not know exactly why. You can feel it yourself while you perform the music, you just have to "tune in" to it.

As for the political's a huge spiritual sinkhole. It mostly just drags people down and turns them negative. And you can see that in most of the political discussions.