The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3026446
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
08-Nov-10 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
If they are looking for suggestions, the river bank down from where it cuts the corner of my land down towards the next village is in a bit of a state. Difficult to get a dredger to (although some oinks have managed to get enough litter down there,) and i was wondering..

Where do you apply to have a task force of these people come to work? I reckon councils should put out feelers to the local communities for ideas of what needs doing.

Sorry, have I missed the point again?

This idea of 100% employment was a wonderful post war idea but fatally flawed. Wilson was the last to advocate it as a virtue whilst in power, (Foot liked it, but never got the keys to No. 10.)

Nice to see the coalition is borrowing some socialist as well as conservative dogma in its ideas.