The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133392   Message #3026512
Posted By: autoharpbob
08-Nov-10 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: Sessions - how do you learn?
Subject: Sessions - how do you learn?
I was at a great session yesterday - thanks to all at the Dog and Bone Lincoln. Now this is not what I do. I sing, and play autoharp solos. I don't know many tunes, and playing fiddle tunes up to speed on the autoharp is difficult anyway. The autoharp is also limited in the chords it has available, especially my diatonic harps, so often modal tunes and minor tunes and tunes in E or B are particularly difficult for me. But I really enjoy playing with others, and the autoharp can add a lot to sessions - good bass, good rhythm, full bodied sound. But this post isn't really just about autoharps. What I want to know is how do you learn how to play in a session? How do you learn the tunes, how do you learn how to fit in? I suppose just by going along. But does anyone run any "beginners sessions"? The one I attended was certainly to me very advanced!