The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133171   Message #3026710
Posted By: Richard Bridge
08-Nov-10 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Subject: RE: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Lizzie, the ones who succeed despite "slanted intellects" are very very very very rare (and hugely frustrating to work with - I have had interactions with Branson: I bet you don't remember Virgin's music contracts with large nominal advances that often were less realised than hoped for - I'll say no more, there was litigation about a related expression). You do people no favours at all by letting them play in stead of working.

And I'm not a one-dimensional person - I didn't let myself be one. My first degree was in Mechanical Engineering, my second in Law - because I took the trouble to learn to do different things. I was captain of squash. I was the individual debating champion. I am (well, after a fashion) a musician. When I was at university people told me I was a dancer. I can cook a meal (an easy one), or fix a computer (well, sometimes). I can do lots of different things - because I bothered to, not because they came easily. I can't sew or knit - because I never bothered to. They'd be useful skills now, so maybe I should have bothered.

Don't make excuses.