The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133171   Message #3026720
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
08-Nov-10 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Subject: RE: BS: The Drugging of our Children

I give up, Richard.   You go your way then....but just remember, many folks out there have been severely damaged due to stunted, blinkered, arrogant outlooks, and that damage often lasts a lifetime...

What the fook is a 'slanted intellect', by the way?

Is it one which doesn't match up to your idea of what an 'intellect' should be, by any chance?

Yeah, geniuses are often hard to work with, ain't they...That's 'cos their minds are precision engines, working 24/7, no servicing ever needed, no oiling required...barely resting, thinking, thinking, thinking....way ahead of what you could even imagine, Richard...

Hey, go and watch Temple Grandin's inspirational TED talk called 'Why The World Needs Different Kinds of Brains' might just learn something........

.....but then again...... ;0)