The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133171   Message #3026738
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
08-Nov-10 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Subject: RE: BS: The Drugging of our Children
Actually, I think you'll find that LOADS of entrepeneurs failed miserably at school, couldn't wait to leave it and do their own thing...

My brother who's severely dyslexic, is going to leave a treasue map and a spade when he dies... Ha!   He tripled the size of his Somerset cottage, all paid for in cash...He can turn his hand to anything, restore anything back to its original state..Spends his time with those folks on rubbish dumps, picking through bits of this and that...They're all the same, can't read, can't write...

Ted, who used to be in charge of our local dump when we lived in Somerset couldn't sign the log book when he bought our old car, merely signed his X on the spot, but....Ted designed and built his own house, slap bang in the middle of the Somerset Levels, where foundations alone beggar belief...

Pig-ignorance has never impressed me, espcially when it comes from those who deem themselves well educated folks, who love blowing their own trumpets...whilst shoving damp cloths into the trumpets of others...

And nope, I've not inherited my brother's gift for making money, although I tend to regard it as a curse, 'cos it dominates his life somewhat, but...he's successful and happy with his lot...Each to their own..

But at school he was told, constantly, what an idiot he was, how lazy he was, because he wasn't interested. His mind was away with ancient coins, which he collected..rare books, junk shops and making a profit..and he did exactly that, right from when he was a little boy..

I've letters from us both, back home to Mum and Dad, when we stayed up in Wales with our grandparents....He was around 9, I was around 6. His letters were very formal, filled with facts about the coins he'd bought, how much he'd paid for them, how much he hoped to sell them for etc...what he was looking for next..My letters were filled with Paddington Bear, what he and I had been up to on our holidays (steady boys!)..and fun, humour and excitement about going to town with my Granny, on the top deck of the bus, where I could drink in all around me far better...

I'm visual, you see...
He's factual...

All fascinating me at least...and the reason why I get so damned fed up with the crap things happening in some schools, even to this day...