The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37679   Message #3026813
Posted By: MGM·Lion
08-Nov-10 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Eskimo Nell
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Eskimo Nell
I didn't make it as a 'case', if you look, Lighter; but as a suggestion rather than as a 'suspicion'. I still think that it isn't only the mention of the caribous, in two works we have established were probably written about the same time, but mention of them both in a context of extreme boredom, which suggests a link ~~ & think of the words in 'Mad Dogs' ~ "Even caribous lie about & snooze, For there's nothing else to do" ~~ what the betting that if NC sang that on a stag-cabaret occasion, he would have sung "fuck-all else to do"? Irresistible, isn't it?
