The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14194   Message #302699
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Sep-00 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Sgt.Kat and Her Howling Mudcat Commandos
Subject: RE: Sgt.Kat and Her Howling Mudcat Commandos
Hsssss....splutter....sss'ome in? Over?hsssss...crackle, crackle This twice-cursed, stoopid piece of cra...

Agent 78200982017286198369 here. Can you hear me?
Can I HEAR you? Is your F9 button down? Does a bear really sh...where the haitch are you? Speak softly...we are captured and surrounded! Over!

I say! No need to get your tits in a ringer, Sgt. Kat! We are rounding up recuits. They will be on their way directly. Do you know your present position, please?

Well, I aint' on top! Now, listen you dear sweet angel of Light of all that is True and Right, leave my beauteous globes outta this! Do I know my present position??? Did the tight-arsed bungholes pop for the GPS units I begged for??? We are in bloody rural Afghanistan having the times of our liv..Ouch! Oh no, not aga...! Bop! Bam! Crack! Send help!!

Hullo, Kat? Are you there, what happened? Come in, Sgt. Kat. this is Agent 783022796927409987 calling for Sgt. Kat or any other Commandos who may hear this. Come in, please. Over....crackle..hsssssss...

I am sorry, Specialist Spaw, we seem to've lost the connection.