The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027072
Posted By: Lox
08-Nov-10 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
"it begins to address the issue of people who will not work, but fetters the vast majority who are looking for meaningful employment."

This is no accident.

University fees rocket upwards making a top education the preserve of those who can afford it, and then choice in the job market is fettered.

Further down the chain, the schools rebuilding program is cut, whilst top schools get extra funding and become unaccountable, and parents who have the time to spare to set up their own schools (not the ones in 3 jobs, or those "volunteering" to clean the streets) also get extra funding ...

and the government, who own the banks they bought as part of the "bail out" (buy out) have enough money to pay out bigger bonuses than have ever been paid before, totalling billions of pounds, but can't give a man a job as a cleaner, or build a playground for kids in a poor area ... or help a mother whose biological partner has died or left to provide a loving home and a supportive relationship to her child.

Lizzie   -    Recently I have been reading your posts and cheering out loud at your audacity and agreeing withh every word you say!