The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027094
Posted By: Lox
08-Nov-10 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
PS - I keep hearing that "Bob Crow is no Arthur Scargill".

When the miners went on strike, they could be ignored and bullied.


Because whatever happened up north made no difference to the city.

On the other hand, if Bob Crows boys aren;t listened to, the ccity won't get off so easily.

I live in London and rely on the underground.

The most recent strike seriously botched up my life.

It was a warning shot.

The city can't function without fully operating infrastructure.

Even if the billionaires can get in to work in their daimlers, they'd be coming in to dirty unmaintained offices with faulty equipment, not to mention lavatories, canteens etc.

The RMT, despite Thatchers laws, is much more powerful than the NUM ever was.

Besides firing a warning shot, Crow has also let people know that there is a banner to stand behind and that it is already a force to be reckoned with.

Thatcherism has evolved, but so has the labour movement - and by that i don't mean the labour party, though it is interesting that the unions favourite became party leader ... so any cosying up won't look insincere ...

Desite my initial concerns, I am starting to believe that "red ed" will most likely be a more significant and effective leader of the opposition than his brother might have been, for the simple reason that he is less likely to suffer from his brothers blairite shame of the unions.

Why am I moving left?

Because I am being given no choice.