The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027374
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
09-Nov-10 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Well, first of all we have Richard accusing Akenaton of insanity. I had to pour myself another coffee before I got my head around the implications of that. Actually Richard, that isn't fair. Whilst I genuinely think you get revved up unnecessarily, at least my issue with you is that you come from a stand point of appearing educated and thinking through your position. Akenaton on the other hand has, as a new dancer once observed of another, something of the night about him.

That said, your distinction between sitting on a vantage point in Westminster with a snipers' rifle and actually firing it is a rather delicate distinction. I reckon the difference is about 8 - 10 years and earlier application for parole with the former.

Funnily enough, I was on the dole for a time, when I had a pregnant wife and small child. I did something about it though, and as my only qualifications at the time were that of a mining electrician, not much use elsewhere, this wasn't easy. But I did.

You see, this is a land of opportunity, where you can get off your arse and do something. Just like you did and still do.

I said above that I don't agree with the proposed policy. But I don't even recognise the fantasy hate mongering that this thread seems to be discussing. Labour camps? Are you seriously suggesting I should be buying shares in Degesch?

I may sound an apologist for a government nobody even predicted, let alone embraced openly, but whilst not liking some of their policies, I will at least judge them by the actual policies rather than discuss construed propaganda of failed armchair socialist weird beards.

Isn't it interesting how many people here in The UK will laugh at the gullibility of USA citizens when we hear of how many reckon Obama is a Muslim, how we chortle at their naivety.

And yet the same people will swallow whole huge exaggerations if they distrust a UK government enough.

You know when I decided I could make a difference? When I became a floating voter. A marker pen is mightier than a snipers' rifle, and takes aim at reality rather than deluded fantasy.