The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027389
Posted By: Lox
09-Nov-10 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
"You see, this is a land of opportunity, where you can get off your arse and do something. Just like you did and still do."

But not equal opportunity.

A poor education and a lack of available opportunities does not just mean that one has to work a bit harder or go a bit further afield.

That would presuppose awareness of other opportunities and what/where they are.

And when you grow up surrounded by no opportunities, and when your education does not equip you to know what opportunities to look for, let alone how to recognize them when you see them, you have no chance.

The only opportunities they see are the X factor and selling drugs. If you can't get into those closed shops, then all thats left is to develop obesity and a drink habit and find someone to blame.

Willie, you and I and Richard were all lucky enough to get a glimpse out of the box and thats why we have a hunger to find out what else is out there.

Ambition and hope are things we take for granted - they help us and don't hurt us ... well not always ...

Hopeless inertia is something we have the tools to overcome.

Not so for many people living in what can literally be described as suburban dumps, where inconvenient people are dumped in squalid houses and destructive schools and kept at arms length and hidden as much as possible from view, until somebody fancies scoring a cheap political point by blaming them for the credit crunch.

In a way Ake is right to have sympathy for teapartiers and BNPers etc, but the mistake he makes is that he is unable to distinguish between sticking up for the poor and vulnerable on one hand and sticking up for the false ideologies that they are vulnerable to on the other hand.

You can understand how people could get drawn by these horrrendous ideologies, but that does not mean for one second that these ideologies should be allowed to get any tenure in the collective consciousness.

We call them Chavs and tell them to get on the bus and get a job. We tell them that they are repugnant in every facet of their existence, whether it be the way they enjoy themselves, their politics or their alleged sponging.

They are the perfect scapegoat.

And London is about to follow suit.

Dump the undesirables in the suburbs - keep them out of the eye of tourists and foreign investors.

Willie - you have to ask what the consequences of camerons policies are going to be and you have to ask if a civilized conscience can allow such misery to be inflicted in the name of an ideology of small government and capitalist freedom.