The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027391
Posted By: GUEST,crowsister
09-Nov-10 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Lox is absolutely right. It's very simple logic and fits together perfectly neatly.
Cut paid council jobs. Compel the unemployed to do the same work.

As for London ditto. For any action to be effective it must cause pain to those who hold the strings. The Miners were easily othered as grubby irritants, no-body gave a shit about what was happening 'up there'.

If bankers insist on continuing to give themselves vast bonuses while everyone else is becoming unemployed and losing their homes, The City could become a target at some point in the future. But it won't be Muslim terrorists or dedicated anarchists blowing up Canary Warf, it'll be some quiet little man who's worked hard all his life, tried to be a decent father and husband, lost his job, lost his home, lost his wife and family, and now has nothing to live for.