The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027427
Posted By: Lox
09-Nov-10 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
SPB - I think you have identified the key battleground that we will be witnessing over the next couple of years.

The Bankers will have enough Cash to ride the storm ... possibly ... they will still need people to provide services that they can pay for ...

But more important will be the media war.

The Sun has been known to switch its allegiance, but most likely it will come out against the Unions and will ssupport the line that they are disrupting society and are the root cause of the discontent.

The telegraph, standard, mail, times etc etc will also all condemn the unions.

But will the public believe them or will they have sympathy for the workers?

If people considered for one minute that publicly owned banks were paying bonuses that equalled the amount to be saved by the cuts ...

... in other words, that the government were paying bankers billions whilst effectively paying menial workers £60 a week ...

... there would be outrage.

And we want Chavs to get off their arses and be inspired by Big Society?

What society?

This does not describe society, it describes the dissolution of society.

Compassionate conservatism?

When was the last time you heard that slogan used ... before the election thats when!

What compassion?

"We're all in this together ..."

What is Osborne in that I'm in?

It certainly isn't "the same boat"

Mine is just afloat and he thinks I don't need the plug.

His is moored off the Virgin Islands so he can keep tabs on his bank account.

Britain won't stand for this.

The only variable is, just how much like Thatcher is Cameron? ... how far is he prepared to go to crush dissent?

All I care about is that my Daughter gets through all of it unscathed.

But If I sit on the fence it could be worse.

Worrying times folks.