The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027706
Posted By: Lox
09-Nov-10 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Bubblyrats point seems to be that if it wasn't for the feminists keeping men out, there would be better child care ...

This suggests that Bubblyrats Aunties, Grannies etc were men ...

Though as a single father bringing up a daughter on my own I must say I'm glad that feminism has resulted in our excellent and stable home relationship.

But frivility aside ...

According to my personal dogma, the three most important things a child needs to grow up into a capable happy person are, in this order, family (unconditional love), an education (the tools to survive in society) and travel (experience of the richness and diversity of this beautiful world).

If a child has all three, though they have no money, they have riches beyond measure.