The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3027948
Posted By: Richard Bridge
09-Nov-10 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Simple Terry - the lies and the greed of the leaders of men - those fools who will take us to war again.

I have explained it all.

The election was stolen by lying propaganda (mostly Murdoch) - and the next one will be too.

The majority votes (and seats) were to reject stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

The Lib-Dems betrayed their voters, and thus the voters of the UK were betrayed.

There is no recourse for 5 years - and the first thing the unelected government did was to make itself secure from Parliamentary defeat for 5 years.

What choice is there? Don't tell me that overthrow of this government is undemocratic - democracy has failed the voters and the present government is undemocratic.