The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133299   Message #3028084
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Nov-10 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling GfS......
Subject: RE: BS: Calling GfS......
Slag: "You're on to something there Ggfs! There can be a re-connection, a higher innocence if you will. We can forgive ourselves, we can seek God's forgiveness, we can move beyond whatever limitations that have been imposed upon ourselves by ourselves and by others."

And Little Hawk

First of all, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner..the office floor was steam cleaned, and I've been buried in 'busy'. My apologies!

Now, back to the posts from Slag, and Little Hawk,
I think people have been hung up in the disconnect, and that is definitely tangled up in people trying to figure out(read: 'make up'), what is 'Good and/or Evil'..(and the 'knowledge' thereof. What people can't seem to get, in their reconciliation, is that BEFORE there was 'original sin' there was original innocence.....and the path to that, is to at least make some honest attempt to admit that somewhere along the line, we have made mistakes!...Not only in our actions, but in our thinking, which perpetuates the sense of 'separation'...and if separated, we have a sense of 'unworthiness'. With a sense of unworthiness, comes a sense of avoiding taking that which is rightfully yours!

I find it so beneficial, whether in composing music or in writing lyrics, to freely and openly admit, what people are afraid to admit, or try to hide. This is true in your life as well!, it doesn't have to be so much of a stretch! When your music, (or life) is giving away such information, you might be surprised at how many people perk up, and pay attention!!! People are STARVED and THIRSTY, for REAL input!!

It's not like people need to be 'taught' more, or convinced of your 'opinions'(based on the worn out insanity of figuring out good versus evil), people need to identify, with a reality, long swept away from plain view!...and that which can be spoken of freely, but isn't, because of a sense of 'self embarrassment', turns out to be admired, for the sheer genius of it!!! That is a fact!!(If said tastefully).

So, I came up with an idea for anybody on here who would like to hear some of the music that I've been working on(for so long)....

I'm thinking, maybe it would be better to set up a time, where we could possibly be on a 'conference chat', and I'll play, both some recordings, and some 'live'..and it would be sorta like a live Mudcat concert!!! I'm pretty confident, you'll find it a breath of fresh air!

I did this a couple of years ago, during the holidays, in a chat room, where I played keyboards live into the room, through a transducer hook up, and it went over fabulously!

So let me know....and I'll put some stuff together. One piece is about a half hour long, but I have shorter ones, that are in 'song' format, with different singers. (one, might even be me, but I won't tell).

Best Regards!