The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3028355
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
10-Nov-10 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Well, do you want to do forced labour in order to keep your tax allowances?

Thought not.

I keep saying it. Ask The Inland Revenue, they do accept voluntary contributions. Parts of the Crown Estate that in law come under Monarchy earnings are taxed by the voluntary route, and so can yours.

yes, the government may well, according to the financial statement, introduce new tax rules that bring in more money and tighten up on what are banded around as "loop holes." A loop[ hole is not tax avoidance, it is lawful self assessment of what you feel you owe, albeit not in the spirit of what Ministers proposed. Sticking two fingers up at Ministers' intentions is of course the theme of the thread about direct action, and Richard's stunt with a rifle at the top of this thread. No better or worse than loop hole stunts with your earnings. A lot of my earnings this year will be taxed at 50%, so yes, I do get a bit miffed at those who earn more and pay less, but there is a huge difference between paying the least you can lawfully and criminal intent.

Sadly, and ironically for one world socialists, it is a much smaller world. if a country taxes large corporations too much, they will up sticks and move to countries with better breaks for them. 27% of something is a better contribution to the exchequer than 75% of nothing.

Err.. yes, to fines for mistakes in tax returns. The real me had a tax tribunal years ago and I could give you verse and ruddy chapter...   I smiled at your suggestion that a government should make it difficult to qualify for tax allowances. if you qualify, is it the role of government to fetter your rights? Stop talking like a pillock.   

Everybody has to do manual labour eh? Not just those who refuse to engage with those giving them money?   Stop it, people might believe you.

Akenaton. What you say above is strictly speaking true to the best of my knowledge. I just don't see an alternative to what we have. Money is the barter system, and capitalism the creed. If the world is to trade, to engage with each other rather than fight each other every ruddy week, you need a common currency, and we have it. Money as representing national assets. It is the only system I can think of that works in all political systems. Even the North Koreans and the USA can speak to each other through trade if the will was there, and for that, you need currency.

Sadly, wealth is not measured in anything other than wealth. if it was, Bhutan would be further up the rankings and Russia would have their GDP.

I know, just as most others know, that the system is not perfect, but as you cannot have a perfect system, it is best trying to sort the system we have than to rattle on about a Utopia that can never come about. But as my past as a miner has been part of this thread, allow me to use my past to show my opinion of the future as dictated by some here;

It seems to be a choice between the likes of Thatcher and the likes of Scargill. As both are disgusting crooks, why bother moving deck chairs on the Titanic? Try re reading Animal Farm before getting misty eyed about a workers' paradise.