The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25670   Message #302840
Posted By: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
22-Sep-00 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: What's your favourite jig?
Subject: RE: What's your favourite jig?
I like Calliope House, partly because it's a hot tune and partly because it was written for the house of George Balderose here in Pittsburgh. It is a great place and the birthplace of the Pittsburgh Folk Music Society, of whom I've been involved with for a good number of years. And who just brought in Altan tonight for me! Which brings me to another favorite jig. The King of the Pipers, although Ciaran Curran is off this tour due to an injury, which unfortunately removes this fine tune from their reperetoire for the time being. Another really good on is An Cailleach na Airgid (The hag with the money). It's also the tune of the song 'Sí do Mhaimeo which is where the jig gets its name.
