The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119380   Message #3028483
Posted By: open mike
10-Nov-10 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Subject: RE: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
This month's show is a 4 (!) Hour Special featuring Cowboy music and poetry. It will air Sat. Nov. 13 from noon to 4 p.m. Pacific (Standard) Time.

107.1 F.M. OROVILLE, CA,

Deckman Bob...I am glad you liked the song Goin' Home...
I fell in love with that song when she played it at a
showcase at the Folk Alliance Conference where i was .It is also called My Left Side....and can
be heard on her web site
She has an "album" coming out you can get an advance
copy in Dec. This is why i post the playlist -- so
folks can contact the artist if they like a song they
hear on my show!!