The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14194   Message #302894
Posted By: Naemanson
22-Sep-00 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Sgt.Kat and Her Howling Mudcat Commandos
Subject: RE: Sgt.Kat and Her Howling Mudcat Commandos
Naemanson's surprise when the 'chute pops open startles him out of the shock of being thrown from the plane. As he gently descends through the inky back night he consoles himslf with the thought of all those nubile young women waiting for him at his destination, which he assumes he is drifting towards with every passing second.

The drone of the plane is gone leaving him in silence. Overhead the sky is littered with stars. Below is just the dark... except there is a light after all. It is below him and to one side. In tryng to turn to see the light he finds that he can steer the parachute a little and when it turns he finds there are two clusters of lights.

"Which one should I go to," he mutters to himself. He doesn't have much time to make his decision. He chooses the closest one and clumsily steers for it and the groups of people he now sees huddled by the fires.

"I hope my psaltery hasn't been damaged by all this," he prays as he violently hits the ground...