The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132613   Message #3029080
Posted By: mandotim
11-Nov-10 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: Travelodge trying to close music venue (UK)
Subject: RE: Travelodge trying to close music venue (UK)
Hi all; the latest on this saga can be seen on the facebook site linked above, but the gist of it is; travelodge realised they hadn't really made a case for the Jug to cease and desist, so they backed off and asked for more sound measurements to be carried out. (Amazingly, they hadn't bothered to do this before raising their objection to the licence terms, which shows how flawed the legislation is here. You don't even have to have evidence of excessive noise before you complain!) I happen to know the Jug does not exceed 'nuisance' levels. I've run sound for our band there, and the old pub walls do a very good job of attenuation. What may be at risk is the summer DJ gigs in the pub garden, but how they are going to measure that in winter I'm not sure.
Well over 3000 people on the facebook site now, and a petition in the pub going great guns as well. Thanks to the many 'catters who have given their support, it's much appreciated. If anyone else would like to support, please go here .