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Thread #133386   Message #3029139
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
11-Nov-10 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Finding loop holes is paying all your taxes too. Keep spluttering if you must, but loop hole means it is not avoiding anything. If the loophole demonstrates you don't owe it, then how the hell are you avoiding paying what you owe? You can't dodge what you don't owe.

So, I applaud making it difficult to qualify for benefits? Oh, and I applaud forced labour? Tell you what, why don't you write my posts for me, it would confuse me less. Anybody other than you and I reading this might recall my comments above about the pitfalls of such a scheme. And to my knowledge, applauding making it difficult to get benefits might just jar a bit with a paper I wrote recently for Dept Health about the difficulties for people with a mental health diagnosis being assessed for personal budgets. I concluded (on behalf of a regulator) that the system must be made easier and more straight forward.

I might use a silly pen name on these threads, but I don't contradict the real me...

Economics 101 eh? Pedantry 101 more like. Money, (proxy token for inherent asset) is used to barter for goods. it would be a Professor of English using OED definitions that would try pulling me up, and then I would still stand by my point.

After all, I have to when what I do say is twisted so much.

Anyway, unless you pay more tax than you should, you have a tax allowance. So, using your own words... Would you do forced labour to keep your tax code above 0?

Thought not.

Anyway, the "rich" as you call many people in this country, don't have a tax allowance to speak of, you lose your allowance once you earn over £100K. Pillock.