The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24102   Message #3029146
Posted By: GUEST,Badjelly
11-Nov-10 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Wonder What Is Keeping My True Love...
Subject: RE: Origins: I Wonder What Is Keeping My True Love...
I knew Peter Kennedy, who sadly passed away a few years ago. He published many books of music which he had collected. He used to come to a session at the Coach and Horses, Gloucester armed with fiddle and melodeons. By this time he was in his 80s. An endearing habit, which I share when trying to apply mascara, is that he could not play the melodeon without sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth! The Pub, was always full of Gypsy men, who enjoyed the music and occasionally sang, as the women had all gone to Bingo. The gypsies would actually seek out singers, from among their ranks, to bring them to come and sing there. Various people used to turn up over the weeks with new tunes and songs which they had 'found'. They would play them, usually on fiddle, and Peter would listen intently and join in on the fiddle. If it was a tune he had heard previously he would state the title, where it was collected originally and usually when. I witnessed one occasion when a fiddler travelled up up from Cornwall to play 3 tunes. The first 2 Peter had heard but the last one was new to him and he got quite excited. A lovely gentleman. Incidentally, he later told me that Ralph Vaughn Williams was his godfather, so he definitely came from a strong musical tradition.