The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133436   Message #3030103
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
12-Nov-10 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
Subject: RE: BS: Death Sentence to Save a Soul?
>>Sentencing should be solely the responsibility of the Judge. That's what he's trained for, that's what he's paid for.<<

1. I don't know of any Judges' training in this country.
2. Sentences can vary, Judge, to Judge, Enough money, and the right lawyer, or blind luck, can sometimes get you a Judge more favorable to your situation.
3. If the Jury is qualified to find you guilty. I don't see why they can't pick the sentence. Don't you say in for a penny, in for a pound over there?
5. I think the likelihood of bias is far lower for 12 people than one.
6. A lot of judges here are elected. Do you want to entrust sentencing to the lawyer that won a popularity contest?