The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133505   Message #3030153
Posted By: Zimmerman
12-Nov-10 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: Help identify song: Come all ye men of high renown
Subject: Origins: Help with identifying this song
Can anyone help with the provenance of this ballad?

Come all ye men of high renown and listen to my song
And likewise all you maidens fair, I'll not detain you long
And if you'll pay attention a tale to you I'll tell
Of what befell all on a day you should remember well

I pray you all and give an ear mark well what I do say
Of when the lambs and songbirds sweet do love to sport and play
And when the sun doth rise up in the springtime of the year
Of what in time may come to pass you soon shall plainly hear

Through many a cold and rainy night this story has been told
In stormy seas and living gales by jolly seamen bold
Likewise by maids and serving men it may not be denied
And gamekeepers and poachers all, down by the greenwood side

O, hark now true born English men wherever you are found,
Just give an ear and you shall hear if you will gather round.
The songs so sweet and minstrelsy of that which might befall
So every wight of honour bright come listen one and all.

As oft is told of sporting blades and maidens young and gay
When true love's course is cast aside now hear my plaintive lay
O and though your hearts be filled with sorrow, grief and woe
Draw near and heed the tidings that I'll have you all to know

The night is fast approaching now and I'll relate to you
Of how my burden is laid down as I have told you true
And so all things must come to pass as you may understand
This news in England shall be known likewise in distant lands.