The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133519   Message #3030414
Posted By: dick greenhaus
12-Nov-10 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: WWRD What Would Republicans Do?
Subject: BS: WWRD : What Would Republicans Do?
What Would Republicans Do?

The Democrats don't seem to learn how to work the system the way the Republicans do. F'rinstance: The current flap about the Bush tax-cuts. If the Dems really wish to cut taxes for low- and middle-income folks, while restoring Clinton-era tax rates to the wealthy, the solution is very simple. Dow what the Republicans did when they passed the tax cuts ten years ago: use reconciliation (which only requires 51%) and you'd have the tax policy you want for the next decade. THat would provide a deficit reduction of some 700 billion dollars (remember that the reason given for the Bush tax cuts was that we had a surplus).