The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #3030458
Posted By: Sawzaw
12-Nov-10 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Elected by Bobert's "Racist / KKK Tea Party" of "disgusting little red***k hypocrits"

Tea partiers elected two black representatives, Hispanic American congress woman. a Cuban-American Senator and an Indian-American female as governor....

.....In New Mexico, Susana Martinez was elected as the nation's first female Hispanic governor. Nikki Haley, whose parents were born in India, will be the first woman governor in South Carolina, and Brian Sandoval became Nevada's first Hispanic governor.

Insurance company owner Tim Scott will be the first black Republican congressman from South Carolina since Reconstruction, after easily winning in his conservative district. Scott, a 45-year-old state representative, earned a primary victory over the son of U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond.

In Florida, veteran Allen West ousted a two-term Democrat to a House seat. He is the first black Republican elected to Congress from Florida since a former slave served two terms in the 1870s...

...Speaking of leftist tactics, Allen West, a former Army Colonel, said, "The No.1 thing that you always try to do to silence an opponent in the United States of America is to call someone a racist."

So true. But that truth has more clout when the speaker is both black and a big supporter of the Tea Party himself.

West points out that the "Tea" in Tea Party stands for "Taxed Enough Already." The transparent purpose of the movement was to elect officials who would stop runaway federal spending, prevent tax increases and support Constitutional government. Making out such people to be racists was a sign of desperation on the part of their foes.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH - Houston we have a problem. Seems the Dilithium crystals in the NCC Bobert have done burned out fer good. ;◂◗