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Thread #133386   Message #3030907
Posted By: Teribus
13-Nov-10 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
"Simple Terry - the lies and the greed of the leaders of men - those fools who will take us to war again."

I take it that in referring to "the lies and leaders of men" Richard you are referring to the last Labour Government that the UK had to suffer under. That being so the second part of your post - "those fools who will take us to war again" - makes no sense at all as they are no longer in any position to "take us" anywhere, and I hope that that will continue to be the case for the rest of my natural life, the track record of Labour Governments in the UK has been nothing short of appalling, this last one however managed to take the biscuit in terms of corruption, incompetence and idiocy.

"You on the other hand watch a video of a taxi ferrying some kids home getting blown to pieces by a helicopter 5 miles away and salute the pilots who did it." - Lox

Well Lox having actually watched that video a couple of things are patently obvious:

1. The "innocent civilians" were armed, which made them and those in their company legitimate targets under the Rules of Engagement in force at the time, MNF troops having already come under fire.

2. At no point at all in that video did I (or the Apache crews) see any children.

So the contention outlined in the section of the post quoted above is bullshit.

As for this bit:

"As for this comment,

"try and show a bit of understanding of the fuckin' issues."

its a bit like watching a walrus lecture a seagull on how to fly. - Lox

That comment was Akenaton's nothing to do with me at all.