The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3030925
Posted By: Lox
13-Nov-10 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
You're digging yourself in dep Teribus ...

I. I referred specifically to the "taxi" containing children that was glefully blown up by the pilots.

I didn't refer to any armed men.

"You on the other hand watch a video of a taxi ferrying some kids home getting blown to pieces by a helicopter 5 miles away and salute the pilots who did it."

Any mention there of armed or unarmed civilians?

No - so more ravings from the desperate delirious patriot clinging desperately on to his belief that it is right his son is in afghanistan because if he doesn't he fears he will go mad ... too late!

Methinks Captain Ahab should go into rehab!

By the way, we know it was a taxi because the litle girl who was in the Taxi who survived, has said "it was a taxi".

She also said it was going home.

When they came near a dying man they stopped to help him as he was screaming in pain and dying.

Just as I suggested.

So that means I was right and you Ahab were wrong.

If I saw a man screaming in pain and dying I, unlike you, would also help him.

2. As for my comment concerning the quote from Ake,

Where did I attribute it to you?


I criticized the comment.

Take your fingers out of your ears and stop shouting.