The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3030934
Posted By: Teribus
13-Nov-10 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
"you can't place the quote. Ah well, hardly surprising."- RB

Alex Campbell song "Been on the Road So Long"

Although Campbell wrote:

"the lies and the greed of the leaders of men - those cheats who would take us to war again."

Your quote is the third verse as altered by Alan Francis.

Lox: "getting in dep??" What exactly is that?

Where did you attribute Akenaton's remarks to me? In the first line of your post, plus "as for this comment" and by ommission.

As to what you "specifically" referred to:

"You on the other hand watch a video of a taxi ferryig some kids home getting blown to pieces by a helicopter 5 miles away and salute the pilots who did it."

That in no way resembles the video I am talking about. but maybe you can clarify things slightly:

1. What identifies the vehicle as a taxi??

2. At any time in the video are passengers in general let alone any "children" seen?

3. I did not see any vehicle being blown to pieces, if that had happened there would have been no survivors.

4. I "saluted" the pilots who did it?? No I stated that they were not guilty of "murder" or of committing "War crimes". I ststed that that on the evidence shown by their gun cameras and the situation on the ground that they were perfectly justified in opening fire. Bit of a difference there Lox, if you cannot see that difference then discussion is over.

You were only able to go into print with this emotive crap courtesy of 20x20 hindsight a luxury not available to those present at the time.