The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3030958
Posted By: Lox
13-Nov-10 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
"Again only established AFTER the event."

Thats it Teribus.

Shoot first and ask questions later.

Pass the death sentence and then investigate the executed party.

If you care to ressurect that thread, you will see that I watched the video then too, and to me it was blidingly obvious that that van did not contain dissidents.

YOU claimed they were looking for guns aand survivors.

Yet there was no attempt to get guns.

So you made that shit up!

YOU were the onbe who made bliind assumptions - which were WRONG, while me deductions have been proved to be RIGHT.

And I remember your deep and insightful comments along the lines of "well those who died were idiots who deserved it for being thick.

No mate - you were wrong, and I was right.

The best you have on me is a spelling mistake.


It doesn't change the fact that you were WRONG.

Your assessment at the time was besed on WRONG assumptions.

Sticking to it now just confirms you as a preposterous fool.

And getting all high miinded because Richard JOKES about having a sniper rifle, when you STILL support the wanton destruction of a van by some blood thirsty assholes who were themselves in NO DANGER - being over 5km away - and who had AGES to analyze their target for risk.

The van stopped to help a screaming man and tried to leave straight away.

And Teribus, one minute you are orgasming over the power of a 30mm cannon, and the next you are saying "I did not see any vehicle being blown to pieces, if that had happened there would have been no survivors."

But no - you're right Richard should be ashamed of himself for making a joke about a sniper rifle.