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Thread #133386   Message #3030969
Posted By: Teribus
13-Nov-10 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
20x20 hindsight is a marvellous thing Lox, absolutely fuck all use to you if you are charged with providing fire support for your colleagues who you know for a fact to be already under fire. You then observe an ambush being set up in their path of advance, you relay your gun camera pictures to your controller infroming him of what you are seeing, he then gives you permission to engage that target. That simple, anybody then coming onto that scene to render assistance to those engaged in setting up that ambush is to be considered an enemy - Again downright simple.

No murder - No war crime.

"If you care to ressurect that thread, you will see that I watched the video then too, and to me it was blidingly obvious that that van did not contain dissidents."

The only things that were blindingly obvious Lox was that there was no way of knowing who or what was in that van. It was absolutely impossible for you or anybody else at the time to claim with any degree of confidence that it did not contain "dissidents" (That word conjures up a picture of Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn crouched in the van dashing off a quick chapter on his way home).

Anyone arriving on the scene are not permitted to remove anything. The gun thing came from the transcripts, the crews of the helicopters were of the opinion that guns and bodies were going to be removed.

"And I remember your deep and insightful comments along the lines of "well those who died were idiots who deserved it for being thick."

Yep, absolutely right, the driver of that van was thick, bone thick in fact, and a downright lousy parent totally incapable of exercising good judgement to boot.

"one minute you are orgasming over the power of a 30mm cannon"

Well no actually Lox I just said that they were loud, the point being made was that it is pretty difficult not to hear them, and no "I did not see any vehicle being blown to bits" in the video I looked at.