The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25622   Message #303112
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
22-Sep-00 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Multiple Personality Disorder
Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
...and I guess Mudder-Folkies would be even more inappropriate.

I'm not sure that what Phantom is doing is so innappropriate.Mudcat is more than just a chain of personal communications to me.It is an on-going literary work,a philosophical treatise,a batch of comedy skits,a serious discussion,a chance to make believe.When I stated before that I am me and only me,except for Blake,Blondy,Bobby Leej,et al,I was only half in jest. This forum gives us the opportunity to be,at any given time,who and what we want to be.For most of us,that personna is very close to who we really are in the outside world...very close,but I know that LEJ deals differently with Mudcatters than he does with most other individuals in "real life".And,given the framework of a Tavern or Mudcat Fiction scenario,I enjoy exploring other people (aspects of my personality?),donning the "mask" for a while,if you will.But my attempt is never to deceive,and that is why my masks are donned and doffed in full view.Can I criticize someone who wears similar masks,with personnas created in secret so that the deception is complete? To me that is a game I have no interest in playing,but if another does,I suppose it is his (her) affair.It just seems that being at a masquerade party where you are the only one in costume would get old pretty quickly.