The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107625   Message #3031272
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
13-Nov-10 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatter Music on Myspace
Subject: RE: Mudcatter Music on Myspace
For the record, WAV - I have a thorough grounding in musical theory from Pythagoras to Harry Partch (and even a music O-level!). In practical terms I'm working with musical theory the whole time - be it musical improvisation, musique concrete, the singing (and researching) of traditional song and the vexing business of keeping my various fiddles & zithers in tune - which involves Concert Pitch, Eastern (Military) Pitch, and in the case of my Ango-Norman harp (hear it on Names of the Hare HERE) building up an Ionian (major) mode from a given tonic by using 4ths, 5ths and 8ves. Such things are second nature to me; hell, I can even hear the difference between a perfect 3rd and a tempered 3rd (Harry Partch split the 8ve into 43 divisions to realise this - start HERE). That said, anyone with even the most casual acquaintance with music (theoretical & otherwise) would wince at your voice / keyboard efforts; I still have nightmares about your crucifying of Wondrous Cross, though Xmas Sung Simply runs it a close second. I've no problem with the E.Trads and unaccompanied chants though.